Sunday, February 27, 2011

French Canadian Film Reviews: "The Kids are All Right" (released in French Canada as "Dese Kid are Good One, Dis Happen On Life")

You got dese womens, dey are being lesbian dat got kid. Dese are lesbian but 'aving relation normal, like dey got a bungalow, suburb. You got your minivans, you got your practice, soccer, you got your dinner. Dese kid don't got problem, nodt'ing, because their moder have made lesbian. Dese kid are two, you got your girl, you got boy.

Dese kid are good one. All kid dat age got dese t'ing growing up, dey wanna know 'ow dey figure out the life. This girl, she realize dese moders cannot be making dese kid by demself. Juliannes Moores is a good moder, she act very hippie wid dese guy, she tell dem dat dis guy t'row his sperm into a place where dey put a creme glacee and melt dis one later.

They got dose kid the same way Celine and Rene got Nelson and Eddy. Somedinglikedat.

Dis oder moder that they got, she t'ink she is being the man on dese guy. Dis one very demanding. Dis one personality not like Julianne. She could be very 'ard on kid, she tell dem dat they got to write t'anks note, dey got dese homeworks. All dese t'ing. Dis one and Julianne, when dey got a sex on each other, dey watch DVD like dey got in nightclub Parking. It is DVD for dese guy on gay lifestyle.

Weyon! They are watching these kinda DVD when ils sucent le chat. Sacrament ciboire! But dis girl make a way dat figure out who is this guy who freeze the sperm to make dem! Weyon tabarnak, fuck.

She find dis guy. Dis guy very different but he have make fader on them, so they got dese t'ing in common. Dis girl like dis guy. This guy a big opposite on saying you are making a t'ank you note tonight because I say you are doing dis one. Dis girl like dat guy.

These guy all take a big lunch togeder. Dey are five on dat dinner. Julianne like dis guy. This oder lesbian mad, fuck. She t'ink dis guy is not making a poutine like you should. But Julianne made a new business, dis guy say you can do that business, and Julianne start to do it. Dey are almost like dey are taking a beer togeder. While Julianne is dere at the bungalow this guy, they got a sex together and she want to do smoking!

Viarge tabarnak!

Dese kid find out dis happen, everybody find out. Dis guy have been assholes but it happen because he try to t'ink of different life, and dese parent all have dis happen do dem. Everbody got dat one when dey got forty, forty five. Somedinglikedat.

Annette Benning's is very upset on this one but dis is what happen in da life. The kid got mad but dey are okay. Dey look like they are not taking a wine or a poutine togeder for a while but den dey realize that dis is just the life and dey will eventually all got back to this place where dey can have a beer and a poutine.


Friday, February 25, 2011

French Canadian Film Reviews: The Social Network

This guy, he an expert on 'acking. In Arvards, this girl t'ink he is not good on the body language, so he write these softwares. This guy, 'acker, expert.
Dey got dese software already, udder guy say why dis software is a good one. You got your Friendsters you got your MySpaces, you got dese community, Geocity.
This is not a good one!
Dese guy say Aarvards people got that service because it is a good one. Arvards is the best one, Celine Dion would use this one. Dese guy are okay, sometime they are three or four taking a beer and sometime dey get a poutine.
Dese guy think that dis idea is the best one, but he take it and he make site web from dis one and don't tell dese other guy dat he is making this one.


Dese other guy go to 'ead of Arvards, dey say that this guy, he got thief on these guy. Dis 'ead say he don't care about dis one, dis guy is making 'acking very popular. Acking does is even get popular in Quebec province.
Dis guy afraid to do anyt'ing about what he got.
Den all dese guy are sue. In that movie dese are all having sue so many time that we see this one two time, fuck!
We see dat dese guy all are still taking a beer together but doing a lot of hour on dis site web. Justin Timberlakes impress dese guy so much! You got your caviar, you got your bottles, 1942, you got your appletini. Justin Timberlakes pays dem a lunch. Dis whole t'ing get so bigger that they are not all taking a beer together anymore.
All dese guy stop so much to have fight but first lawyer say that this guy got to pay dese other guy a lot of beer.
Dey are not having poutine together anymore.
